A Small Business Guide to Bartering | National Federation of Independent Businesses

A Small Business Guide to Bartering - National Federation of Independent Businesses

You don’t always have to pay cash. Learn how your small business can trade one product or service for another. If a client (or you) can’t pay with traditional means, it doesn’t mean anyone needs to call small claims court. Instead, what about bartering? You may be imagining old-time scenarios of doctors accepting a bushel of farm goods in exchange for medical treatment, but bartering is alive and well in the modern age.

What people say

"IMS has allowed me to grow my personal and business activities. My broker has brought me a new stream of revenue that I could have never received without being involved with the barter system. The communication she provides allows me to keep cash in my pocket and expand my business activity."

Todd Ruedt
Grounds Maintenance Services, LLC | New Berlin, Wisconsin